@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001199, author = {西谷, 忠師 and 田上, 誠二 and NISHITANI, Tadashi and TANOUE, Seiji}, issue = {53}, journal = {秋田大学鉱山学部資源地学研究施設報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {Reconstruction of the geological history of the Oga Peninsula in Northeast Japan has been performed. Radiometric dating has been shown that this area had an age of Tertiary and Quaternary. Paleomagnetic analysis revealed that the inclination angle of this area gradually deviated to westward between early and middle Miocene, and returned to present direction around late Miocene. Above results suggests that the Oga Peninsula was a part of the Eurasian Continent until middle Miocene and that it undertook a counter-clockwise rotation to the present location at the period of late Miocene.}, pages = {69--75}, title = {男鹿半島における古地磁気学的研究}, year = {1988} }