@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001185, author = {ITO, Hideji and 伊藤, 日出治}, issue = {55}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 自然科学}, month = {Mar}, note = {In our previous papers [6], [7], we have studied the modular equation ((X, Y) of j(z) where j (z) is the most basic modular function with respect to SL2 (Z). Now we study about the modular equation ~3) (X, Y) of j (z) 1/3 which is a modular function for r(3). Especially, we have otained the explicit form of ~3\X, Y) for all primes f :::; 131 and found that certain ongruences of their coefficients (like those noted in [6]) hold for f E P = {2, 5, 7,13,19, 31}. This is remarkable since if we include 3 in P then these primes in P coincide with those primes that arise in connection to the Monster simple group.}, pages = {17--28}, title = {On the Modular Equation of j(z)1/3}, year = {2000} }