@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001165, author = {大好, 直 and 随, 広軍 and OHYOSHI, Tadashi and SUI, Guang Jun}, journal = {秋田大学鉱山学部研究報告}, month = {Oct}, note = {Basic analysis on reflection and transmission phenomena of elastic harmonic waves has been made, as a pilot study for ultrasonic non-destructive characterization of complex material such a functionally gradient material. A transition layer in this basic analysis is modeled by a homogeneous isotropic elastic layer, and the phenomena is explained by the reflection and transmission coefficients. Representative numerical examples of the coefficients to the soft layer and the hard layer show us some clues to evaluate the transition layer materials. Numerical results are made sure by the energy conservation law of wave motion. Perfect penetration of wave energy (N on-reflection phenomena) appears depending on the wavelength. The penetration accompanied by the resonance of the layer is caused even though the incident angle is larger than the critical angle of incidence.The basic analysis and formulation described here may be helpful to make further study of ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation of complex materials.}, pages = {41--47}, title = {弾性波の遷移層による反射と透過}, volume = {12}, year = {1991} }